Laboratory tests utilize various chemical methods to gauge the levels of chemical elements in the body’s tissues and fluids. The most typical samples used in lab tests are urine and blood. A physician reviews these test samples to decide if the outcomes are common. Lab tests have a distinct range because it normally differs from person to person. There are several other lab tests performed as well to notice and gauge nearly any kind of chemical element in urine or blood. Those chemical elements can comprise electrolytes, blood glucose, hormones, enzymes, lipids, or different metabolic proteins and substances.

Given below are some of the more typical laboratory tests:

  • Blood tests
  • Urine test
  • Tumor markers.

Laboratory tests are usually a component of a regular checkup to examine transformations in the health of an individual. In addition, they tend to assist doctors in diagnosing medical diseases. Devising or evaluating remedies or treatments, thereby monitoring various conditions, is a crucial part of laboratory tests.

Factors that influence lab test results are:

  • Age, race and sex
  • Foods you eat
  • Medicines or prescriptions you take
  • How nicely do you follow pre-test instructions.

Lab tests provide essential information about your organs and various body parts. Lab tests likewise help diagnose disease before noticing any significant symptoms of a disease.

Things to consider before lab tests:

  • Obey instructions given by the doctor.
  • Be genuine about your health-related problems; a little variation may affect the results of tests.
  • Be specific about the medications, supplements, or vitamins that you are using to your doctor.

Considering the below steps can assure good and precise outcomes of tests:

  • Simply answering the questions that a lab expert or your doctor asks is considered a basic step.
  • Fasting is considered a typical lab test preparation, which means the patient should not consume anything except water before undergoing the tests. The duration of fasting can differ and for that, getting precise advice from the doctor can be more useful.

Other test preparations include

  • Avoiding certain foods and drinks like alcohol, cooked meat, herbal tea, and many other such food items.
  • Avoiding Smoking
  • Avoiding certain behaviors like intense workouts or sexual activities.

Some most typical lab tests that need fasting are :

  • Cholesterol Test
  • Blood Glucose Test
  • Triglycerides Test
  • Calcitonin Test
  • KFT, HBA1C, LFT and Thyroid Profile

Some tests that need extra preparations are:

  • Creatinine
  • Cortisol
  • Pap Smear
  • 5- HIAA and many more tests.
  • Double Marker, Quadruple Marker and AMH

Take a look at the equipment that we use for different lab tests:

Lab tests give a precise overview of your health conditions, thereby providing the outcomes that help the doctors detect your illness and take desirable steps and medications to cure those diseases.

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